Monday, August 31, 2009

Id write it in chinese, but i cant yet and you wouldnt be able to read it if i did. lol

Shining bright, even in daylight
Bright as the light of an angel in flight
Wings spread wide, another heart hidden inside
on the winds of truth and love does your spirit glide.

I stand here waiting to see
that brilliant light flying back towards me
for one as i may be seraphim
my light and the suns to yours is dim.

Your on your own though your never alone
working on your talents so your skills can hone
so one day you may have your place
to show the beauty capable of the human race

I look to the north south east and west
while your not here ill try to do my best
to work and train my skills and nerve
so i can become the man you deserve

But one day again we will be together
then we can stay that way forever
though i know for now we must be apart
always know your the only one who can hold my heart.

- For my love, my heart, my work of art.
I love you my little Mad Artist.


  1. Oh MY..GOOOOOOOOOD!! You make me want to shed so many happy tears right now I want to jump out the window and run down the streets shouting your name in every language I know and how I love you! However i won't because the people in white jackets might come for me and load me in their scary van so yeah. XP I love you Evening Sky!! So verily truly much!

  2. Is it sad that I read this and was like, "It's YOU ARE. Abbreviated YOU'RE.. Come on! Can't you read! God! Sigh! ((said in an exasperated voice that mimics a friend of mine because that's what he always tells me, haha!))" Oh and sis... I read your comment as a very long and drawn out "good". Not "god". :D

  3. Lol, i never count grammar in poems. I would have just wrote a formal letter in that case.

  4. Love, you must always remember how we two became one in every sense. Prayers were answered when we choose to be together and that is a blessing. Would we really trash what He has made for us or what He has planned? No. We may fear we don't have the strength to fight certain feelings if the situation ever occured where we had to choose whether or not to be true to ourselves, our love, our bond, and His gift but we do. I can honestly say that we have nothing to worry about even though we have no way of predicting the future. It's like when you are absolutely certain that everything is okay or that the grass will be green everytime you wake up in the morning. Sure it may change color if someone decided to dye it but its natural, physical color always returns unless ordained by Him and even then there would be a reason. So I am positively sure, without a moment's hesitation that everything will be alright, love. I can't put it any clearer than that. You know I love you, you know I hold you safe in my heart and in my arms when I have the chance, you know you are precious to my life and I will never stray from you. If you still question the faith I have in you, then you question me, my undeniable love for you and the faith I have in Him. Or you're just paranoid to the extreme to the point where your dreams reflect your fears. XP Either way David, you and I are a part of eachother in every sense, as I've said before, and nothing will change. God may test us but we are strong enough to take them head on. I will stop ranting now but please always remember that what we have is a heaven-sent blessing. I love you. Turtle Bear, love, honey, darling, honeybuns, David Alexander Winston. I love you.

  5. Now, as for the reasons as to why I love you and know you're charming, they are as follows! I love you for many reasons which you already know! XP As for why I think you're charming, they are a bit different though some will ring a bell. One, as I mentioned before is how you let me in your door on the "wrong" side of the door. It's not actually wrong, I just like going in on your side, no idea why. :D Others are when you take my hand in yours and squeeze it to let me know you're by my side all the way. Others still are when I have a pink moment and you kindly let it go unnoticed or nicely make fun of it and then let it go without constantly reminding me of it. Or when I'm having a sour day or not so good moment you take me in your arms to comfort me, or hold me 'til I've stopped bawling a river worthy of challenging the Nile. XP You're patient when I need a gentle nudge but you know how to kindly push me in the right direction when I'm being stubborn as an ass. XP You're charming when you explain things to me or even when we are holding a simple conversation with friends and family. I can say you're graceful when you are going through your Okanawa (sp?) even though there is an air of fierceness under the controlled movements but knowing you, you'll probably try to blow it off as if I'm dillusional. XP These are just some of my reasonings though so don't think that is everything! I love you!

  6. Hon, i cant explain how much all that means to me over the computer and do it justice. So i shall tell you when i see you. I love you my angel.

  7. I my gersh! I read it again and it still sends flutters through me and makes me want to grab the person nearest me and blow my sobbing nose in their shirt! Hahahahaha!!!!
