Sunday, March 22, 2009


I was thinking over what my Aiedail mentioned about the sabbath. I have been thinking about it so much I'm having trouble sleeping. First off i apologise for letting my ego get the better of me the other night. So please forgive me. But as i said i have been up all night thinking and i needed somewhere to put these thoughts. I have found things saying we do not need to keep the Sabbath and some saying we should. But I'm curious as to why so many people don't want to follow the sabbath. Even if we don't HAVE to follow it anymore according to the new testament. We might not HAVE to, but maybe its something he leaves up to us. Just as a parent with a child. Just because they don't enforce something anymore doesn't mean they don't want you to do it. Maybe He just wants us to do something for him without being told to do so. I have also come to a new way of thinking on the sabbath. This world is the world of Lucifer, ego runs this world as well as greed. Maybe when he says a day of rest he means it not as not doing any work, but taking a day to just stop and listen to what he wants done. For i believe work is alright on the sabbath, but its meant for us to do His work, and not work for ourselves. To me its one day out of the week to just separate ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the everyday of this world, and to show your faith in the Lord. The Bible was not the only thing given to us containing his word, we also have our hearts, and souls to feel what he wants us to do. Just take a day, even if you don't follow the Saturday or Sunday sabbath. Just take a day and feel and act on what He wants, maybe even just take a couple hours, If you feel the urge to go out and teach, do it, if you get the urge to go vacuum the living room, then do that. But whatever you do do it for Him. For even Jesus worked on the sabbath, but what he did he did of the Lord. Whether he taught, or cleaned, or healed, he did it for the Father. So why cant we? Why do we fight so hard taking one day out of our week to do the lords work instead of our own? I just don't get it, but i am not God nor the Son. If i am wrong tell me so, I have told what i feel, but i am in the end only a man, and in being one can make mistakes. Please give me your views on this. Thank you for your time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sleepwalking FAIL. LMAO!!!!! Seriously i wish Shi would do this!!!!!